“Hallelujah Jesus Rose Again” is a powerful worship anthem that reflects on Christ’s journey to Calvary, His sacrifice, and the victory of His resurrection. With deeply moving lyrics, the song invites listeners to surrender fully to Jesus, embracing the new life found in Him. The chorus triumphantly proclaims the resurrection—Hallelujah, Jesus rose again!—a declaration of faith, redemption, and transformation. Through its heartfelt melody and message, this song is a call to remembrance, worship, and a renewed commitment to live daily in Christ’s love and grace.


On the way to Calvary
My Lord beckon to me
Softly softly I heard His voice
Calling me to come
On the journey I heard Him say
Give yourself to me
Gently gently He is calling
So that I may hear

Hallelujah hallelujah
Jesus Rose again
Hallelujah Hallelujah
Christ Arose in me

As we journeyed to Calvary
As He took my shame
Higher higher I felt groaning
That was in His heart
Daily daily I have promised
Never to forget
Testimony of the Lord
Who died for all my sins

Hallelujah hallelujah
Jesus Rose again
Hallelujah Hallelujah
Christ Arose in me

At Calvary when the soldiers
Were nailing my king
I could not stand watching my
Master die for my sins
I surrender everything to Christ
My Lord Saviour
That I may be crucified with
Him on the Cross

Hallelujah hallelujah
Jesus Rose again
Hallelujah Hallelujah
Christ Arose in me

On the Cross with
Lord my Jesus
My old self was dead
That I may have new nature
In Christ forever more
Buried with Him in the tomb
That I may be renewed
With the mind of Christ
I might be pleasant to my God

Hallelujah hallelujah
Jesus Rose again
Hallelujah Hallelujah
Christ Arose in me

Victory victory is the song
That fills my whole heart
With this New Life I am free
From all the claims of sin
Daily daily I will be a
Sacrifice to God
Pleasant pleasant is the smell
Of my sacrifice

Hallelujah hallelujah
Jesus Rose again
Hallelujah Hallelujah
Christ Arose in me


One response to ““Hallelujah Jesus Rose Again” by John Olumayowa”

  1. Philip Adekunle Avatar
    Philip Adekunle

    Thank you Jesus…🙏
    One of the most intriguing part of this, is that the coming-forth of this Hymn is undoubtedly prophetic.
    Even its rhythm tends to bury one down into a deep affection for the Saviour Lord Jesus. My heart is so glad to listen to this.

    Hmm… Simple lyrics, but powerful and piercing.

    Hallelujah, Jesus Rose again 🙌

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